Teach Our Kids
Teach Our Kids

Teach Our Kids started a bit out of frustration: my kids spent too much time watching worthless Youtube videos or playing hours of video games that did not make anything positive in their lives. I realized that maybe they were wasting their time with garbage content because maybe they did not know any better. So I started taking some time to look for positive content of their interest and to show them some of the awesome things that exist on the internet. At the beginning it is difficult. It takes time and patience to take kids out of their deeply-rooted internet “bad habits,” but that is part of the challenge and part of the responsibility of being a parent: Kids wasting too much time on electronic entertainment is frequently a reflection of parents that do not take the time, or want to do the effort to play or teach the kids. Sometimes ourselves don’t know any better. This process of spending time with our kids is a journey: it takes time, patience and also it takes several mistakes. But it’s worth it. In the end, there is nothing more satisfactory for a parent to see that their kids learn, grow and have fun. And also to know that one has, at least, a little to do with it.
This website is my little grain of salt that kids around the world can find content that expands their horizons and shows them a little of all the awesome things that the world and the life might bring. If you read this and you think it is interesting, useful or fun, do me a favor. Share it with your friends and help us to make a better world one kid at a time.